About project

Project title

Modern education on geohazards as a way to create new specialized jobs

Podstawowe informacje o projekcie

Funding: European Regional Development Fund
Total project value: EUR 932,011.80
ERDF co-financing (85%): EUR 792 209.91
Project Leader: University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Natural Sciences www.us.edu.pl
Partner: University of Žilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering www.uniza.sk
Implementation period: from 01/06/2019 to 31/05/2022

Brief description of the project

The project consists of the cross-border transfer of competences and the introduction of modern environmental technologies for environmental threats to vocational education in the eligible area. This will be done by developing new education programmes and training target groups. The training will cover competences related to new methods of identification counteracting hazards. The first part of the project will be the transfer of technology from the University of Žilina to the Polish partner (early warning system against ground movement in landslide areas and a rapid flood detection system based on new generation sensors installed in hazardous zones) and a reverse technology transfer from the University of Silesia to the Slovak partner (new, patented, unique technology of using dendrochronology to identify landslides, floods, pollutants and to develop hazard maps). These competences will then be disseminated as programmes of education developed in the project for the profession of a technician/engineer of environmental hazards (in accordance with applicable law) for three levels of education: universities, secondary schools and schools for adults. For all these levels of education, trainings will be carried out (for students and teachers). At the last stage of the project practical training will take place focusing on the application of presented new technologies on real examples of hazards occurring in the eligible area. This stage will focus on solving specific environmental problems, from their identification, through the practical application of a technology, to a report. People/institutions from the eligible area will be able to directly participate in all works (field, laboratory, conceptual). Documentation from practical trainings will also be available on-line. At this stage, the possibilities of commercial application of the presented technologies will be emphasized, so that they provide participants from the eligible area with employment and earning opportunities.